Special Educational Needs and Disability Information

In this section you will find information about how we meet the requirements for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

Inclusion is always a priority at Norwood Primary School. All staff and the Governing Body are highly committed to inclusion and the principles outlined in our SEN policy; working hard to ensure that provision is made for those who need it and that all children are given the opportunities to be the best they can be. We take pride in our pupils' engagement  learning across the curriculum. We believe that much can be done to overcome difficulties that children may experience, by parents, teachers and pupils working together. 


Mrs. Bennet, Deputy Head Teacher, is the Lead Teacher for Inclusion. She can be contacted on [email protected]

Mrs. Brookfield is the school's SENDCo. She can be contacted on [email protected]


Each term, we will be sharing our school SEND Newsletter for Parents and Carers. Please see the link below for the up-to-date Newsletter. 


Please see information below regarding different virtual events that are being held in Sefton.

Useful Websites

Preparing for Adulthood

Please see the link to the new Preparing for Adulthood guide, https://www.seftondirectory.com/kb5/sefton/directory/site.page?id=8Tcl6Y_3ln4 

For further information about Preparing for adulthood, please visit this local offer page


The guide has been coproduced with Sefton Parent and Carer Forum and colleagues from Sefton Council, Sefton Carers Centre, the Clinical Commissioning Group, Sefton CVS (Buddy-Up) and Health who have been working together to produce this Guide.

Aiming High Newsletter

Aiming High for Disabled Children is there to make sure disabled children, young people and their families have the same access to fun, fulfilling activities and life chances as those without disabilities. We provide specially tailored sessions during term-time and holidays that young people can access and specialist support when our young people reach key 'transition points', such as moving from education into employment. In order to help us keep you up-to-date on services that are useful to you, you can register with our Disabled Children's Database at The Sefton Directory. Once registered you are also guaranteed a regular copy of the Aiming High for Disabled Children newsletter.

The ADHD Foundation

The ADHD Foundation works in partnership with individuals, families, doctors, teachers and other agencies to improving emotional well being, educational attainment, behaviour and life chances through better understanding and self management of ADHD, ASD and related learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, Irlen’s Syndrome, dyscalculia and Tourette’s Syndrome. 

The National Attention Deficit Disorder Information and Support Service
Welcome to ADDISS, The National Attention Deficit Disorder Information and Support Service. We provide people-friendly information and resources about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder to anyone who needs assistance - parents, sufferers, teachers or health professionals. Whatever you're looking for in ADHD, we'll do our best to help.

Independent Parental Special Education Advice
IPSEA's trained volunteers give free, legally based independent advice and support in England and Wales to help get the right education for children with SEN/D. You can also get help by looking at our website resources on common problems, taking action, exclusion, transport, refusal to assess and more.

The Dyslexia Trust
The Dyslexia-SpLD-Trust, or the Trust, is a collaboration of voluntary and community organisations with funding from the Department for Education to provide reliable information to parents, teachers, schools and the wider sector. It acts as the important communication channel between government, leading dyslexia organisations, parents, schools, colleges, teachers and the sector.

Autism Initiatives

In a variety of locations throughout the UK and Ireland we offer a wide range of support for autistic people. From supported living to schools, from a short break service to one stop shops, from work placements to training, clubs and activities, Autism Initiatives has a wealth of resources and expertise that support autistic people to achieve their personal goals. 

Autism Education Trust
The AET website provides tailored advice and resources for professionals, parents, carers and children and young people with autism. The AET manages online resources for children and young people: the Kids Zone provides younger children with information, advice and games and The Den is an interactive area for teenagers on the spectrum featuring personal experience films, ask the expert films, games and quizzes.

Local Offer - Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
The Local Offer provides clear and accessible information about the provision Sefton Council expects to be available locally for our children and young people from 0 to 25 who have special educational needs and/or disability (SEND). https://www.seftondirectory.com/kb5/sefton/directory/localoffer.page?localofferchannel=0 

Files to Download

Our Values and EthosASPIRE, RESPECT and ENJOY

Contact us at Norwood Primary School

Head Teacher: Lee Dumbell
Norwood Crescent
Business Manager: Jo Todhunter
SEND Contact: Rachael Brookfield - SENDCo
SEND Email: [email protected]
Chair of Governors: Mrs Lesley Lee