Christmas Panto and Fun Day!

Start: 20th Dec 2018 12:00am

Duration: All Day

On Thursday 20th December, it is Christmas Fun Day.

Children are allowed to come to school in their party clothes and bring in a game to share with their friends. We do request that the games are old fashioned board or card games, no technology. We want to encourage the children to sit down together and enjoy each other’s company. 

There will also be a pantomime show for them to watch during the day. 

Our Values and EthosASPIRE, RESPECT and ENJOY

Contact us at Norwood Primary School

Head Teacher: Lee Dumbell
Norwood Crescent
Business Manager: Jo Todhunter
SEND Contact: Rachael Brookfield - SENDCo
SEND Email: [email protected]
Chair of Governors: Mrs Lesley Lee