Chester Zoo - 13th October 2016

Class: Year 3 Year: 2016-17

On Thursday 13th October, Year 3 went on the most exciting trip to Chester Zoo. First, we went on a colourful boat around the tropical islands. The water was green and slimy and you could hear the toucans from miles away. As went down the river, we saw a scary tiger lying down on a giant rock, camels with huge humps on their backs and tribal houses with straw roofs. We also saw cocoa pods and exotic fruits. After that, we went to see the fruit bats in a pitch-black cave. There were 600 bats all together! Some were flying about and some were hanging while they slept. Did you know this species of bat has very good eyesight? Even though some children were scared, we never screamed and we impressed the keepers with our bravery. Then, we had a workshop about how we can protect the rainforest, the dangers of deforestation and had an opportunity to smell jaguar’s urine and touch the skin of a snake. Miss Jenkinson was terrified. Lunchtime was brilliant fun. We had a picnic and then played team games on a field with Mrs Coleman.

In the afternoon, we split up into smaller groups and went to see many more mammals, reptiles, fish and birds, all from different biomes around the world. We saw the penguins playing tig and the red apes playing hide and seek under their bedding. The baby orang-utans were so cute; we just wanted to cuddle them. We also saw two bears just like Baloo from the film Jungle Book. Did you know bears can climb trees?  One of our favourite animals was the giraffe. When we arrived at the giraffe house, we couldn’t believe our eyes. One giraffe was nearly 6 metres tall! We also heard the lions roaring and learnt that one gold, tiny poison dart frog can kill up to 20 men! Finally, we saw the enormous elephants drinking from a waterhole and a baby elephant playing with a ball of straw. On the way home, everyone was exhausted. The coach driver couldn’t believe how quiet we were- even the teachers had a nap. Year 3 would like to thank all the adults that helped keep us safe, especially Mrs Taylor, with her trusty map and wonderful sense of direction. To see more of our photos, please look on Year 3 page on the school’s website. Coming soon 3H’s Forest School report.

By Edward Baumber, Ella Veney-McKenna, Samuel Lee, Leon Ackers, Emily Roberts, Zachary Moore and Stanley Singleton. 

Our Values and EthosASPIRE, RESPECT and ENJOY

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Head Teacher: Lee Dumbell
Norwood Crescent
Business Manager: Jo Todhunter
SEND Contact: Rachael Brookfield - SENDCo
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Chair of Governors: Mrs Lesley Lee