Reception 2024 - 2025

Mrs Thorpe

Mrs Thorpe


Mrs West

Mrs West


Miss McCallam

Miss McCallam


Welcome to Reception

On this webpage we aim to provide information that will help you support your child throughout their Reception year. We will update with regular newsletters and information about our ongoing topics. We would recommend that you check the website regularly to keep you fully informed with all the latest news and information. 

Staff in Reception

Miss McCalum: [email protected]

Mrs West :   [email protected]

Mrs Thorpe: [email protected]

Mrs Parry, Mrs Singleton, Mrs Ashton, MIss Powell, Miss Pikul, Miss McVey, Miss Stadnik

Please do not hesitate to contact us and we will get back to you as soon as we can.


Guided Reading books and sharing books will be changed on a Friday and will be kept at home for a week. Please ensure both books are returned the following Friday. If your child does not return their sharing book from the Library Nook, they will not be allowed to choose a new book. Any lost or damaged books may be subject to a £5 charge.

The books are linked to the Phonics lessons in school and the class teacher will share the reading focus in their Reading Diaries. We expect the book to be read at least three times a week and a brief comment to be added to the Reading Record. The class teacher will award a Reading Dojo once a week for every child who has read at least 3 times in the week.


The sounds that have been taught during Phonics lessons will be shared through the weekly newsletter which is sent via Class Dojo every Friday. Children are to complete all the sheets in their homework folder and are encouraged to practise their phoneme flashcards at home too.

To extend the learning further you may wish to search around the house for items that start with the focus sounds.


In Reception we look at each number for two weeks. We look for our focus number in our classrooms and outside. We look at shapes, clocks, items, games, anything at all that relates to the number.

PE lessons

Reception children have PE lessons every Thursday. They will wear their normal school uniform for PE when they are outside. If they are working in the hall, they will put their black pumps on.

Forest School Sessions

Reception children DO NOT require any additional clothing for Forest School. They will wear their normal school uniform, plus their waterproofs and wellington boots, which are kept in school.

RT - Mon 4th November 2024

RW - Tues 5th November 2024

RB - Wed 6th November 2024

Files to Download

Our Values and EthosASPIRE, RESPECT and ENJOY

Contact us at Norwood Primary School

Head Teacher: Lee Dumbell
Norwood Crescent
Business Manager: Jo Todhunter
SEND Contact: Rachael Brookfield - SENDCo
SEND Email: [email protected]
Chair of Governors: Mrs Lesley Lee