Physical Education
Welcome to our Physical Education Team
Mrs D Rigby, Miss B Sinclair and Mrs C Stewart make up our team.
Mrs Rigby loves this subject because it gives children an opportunity to develop and improve a wide range of skills, in a variety of areas/sports, which in turn increases individual self-esteem and allows children to feel good about themselves as well as staying healthy and having fun.
Miss Sinclair (Year 6) has a passion for all things PE. She specialised in Primary PE during her Primary Education degree. Outside of school Becky loves playing Netball and challenging herself with other sporting goals such as triathlons and mounatin climbing.
Norwood Primary School recognises the value of Physical Education (P.E). We fully believe that we give our children a wide range of sports experience, which they can apply to all areas of sports. Our children are active throughout the week with the Golden Mile, two lessons of P.E and extracurricular activities. Throughout a child’s time at Norwood we encourage all children of differing abilities to represent the school. As a school, we constantly looking at making our children healthier and more active.
We fully adhere to the aims of the National Curriculum (2014) for Physical Education to ensure that all children:
- develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
- are physically active for sustained periods of time
- engage in competitive sports and activities
- lead healthy, active lives
P.E is taught at Norwood Primary School as an area of learning in its own right. It is taught two sessions per week
We teach lessons so that children:
- Have fun and experience success in sport
- Have the opportunity to participate in P.E at their own level of development
- Secure and build on a range of skills
- Develop good sporting attitudes
- Understand basic rules
- Experience positive competition
- Learn in a safe environment
- Have a foundation for lifelong physical activity, leaving primary school as physically active.
P.E is taught as a basis for lifelong learning, where the children have access to a wide range of activities in the belief that if taught well and the children are allowed to succeed, then they will continue to have a physically active life. A high-quality Physical Education curriculum inspires all children to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. At Norwood, we provide opportunities for children to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.
By the end of a pupil’s time in Norwood, we want our children in P.E to:
- Consistently use appropriate technique to complete skills (e.g. throwing, catching, passing, dribbling, hitting) under pressure and in competitive situations.
- To select and use tactics for attacking and defending (e.g. moving into space, using others, marking) to be successful in a game.
- To participate effectively in some competitive team games.
- To move appropriately and effectively to complete a given task (e.g. moving rapidly into space when playing a game or moving gracefully when completing a gymnastics routine).
- To create and complete a longer sequence with control in dance and gym, including using balance, flexibility, strength.
- To identify strengths and weaknesses in my own, and others’, performances comparing past and present performances.
- To take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team.
- To swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres, using a range of strokes effectively (e.g. front crawl, backstroke, breaststroke) and I can perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.
- Know at least three good reasons why exercise is important.
- Know the effects of exercise on the body and the reasons for this.
- Know that activities/practices can be used to improve a skill/performance.