Year 5 2023 - 2024

Miss McCarthy

Miss McCarthy

Assistant Head

Mr Walsh

Mr Walsh


Mrs Fessey

Mrs Fessey

Mr Watson

Mr Watson

Teaching Assistant/Lead Midday Supervisor

Welcome to Year 5

This year is going to an exciting and challenging year for everyone and we are going to thoroughly enjoy spending it with the children of Year 5.

Staff in Year 5

Miss McCarthy [email protected] 

Mrs Healy [email protected] 

Mr Walsh: [email protected]

Mrs Fessey: [email protected] 

Mr Watson [email protected] 

Mrs Rullan-Dickinson

Mrs Sumner

Mrs Jenkinson

Miss Roberts

Mrs Cropper


If you have any concerns or worries, please do not hestitate to contact us. We will get back to you when we can. 

P.E Lessons  

Golden Mile is on Friday, trainers will be needed in school.

Children should come to school in their P.E kit on Thursdays.

Swimming kit is needed on Friday until February half term.


Homework at Norwood.
At Norwood, we are passionate about supporting you as much as possible with your child's education. We are also very aware that homework can be  a struggle for many of you at home. This year we have tried to simplify our approaches and also save money and waste. Instead of sending home lots of booklets and worksheets, each child will have an exercise book that they can use to support their homework. Any passcodes from (examples of what)  will be stuck on the front cover of the book, so they can easily access any websites used by  school.
Every THURSDAY homework powerpoint will be shared on Class Dojo. This covers SPELLING, TIMES TABLES and GEOGRAPHY FAST LEARNING. (Please check this according to your year group homework expectations.)   
On TUESDAY every week, homework books need to be returned to school, in order for staff to check learning. 
Reading is still a very important part of our homework expectations. We are continuing to promote reading, so please read at home and make comments at least 3 times a week.
Any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Forest School

Autumn dates: 

5HM - Monday 25th September 2023

5W - Tuesday 26th September 2023

5F - Wednesday 27th September 2023


School Visits

Viking Visitor


Bradshaw Brook.

Musical Instruments 

During Year 5, children have the opportunity to learn how to play a brass instrument. Music lessons will be taught weekly by two highly qualified teachers from Sefton.

After signing and returning the instrument consent form, children will be able to take their instrument home with them to practise what they have learnt in lessons that week.

Instruments will need to be brought into school every Wednesday for the music lesson.

Mini Police 

Year 5 children can apply to be part of the Mini Police force and work with Sefton Police Officers, learning what it's like to be a police officer and working on ways to improve the local area.  

Roar Rockets

At Norwood, we have recently launched ROAR RAINBOW which recognises childrens' mental health. As part of this launch, Year 4 and 5 children have been given the opportunity to apply to be a Roar Rocket. The successful applicants took part in a training day, teaching them all about how to help children that are struggling and how they can offer support.

Files to Download

Our Values and EthosASPIRE, RESPECT and ENJOY

Contact us at Norwood Primary School

Head Teacher: Lee Dumbell
Norwood Crescent
Business Manager: Jo Todhunter
SEND Contact: Rachael Brookfield - SENDCo
SEND Email: [email protected]
Chair of Governors: Mrs Lesley Lee