Year 6 2024 - 2025

Mr Walsh

Mr Walsh


Miss Sinclair

Miss Sinclair


Mrs Griffin-Brown

Mrs Griffin-Brown


Welcome to Year 6

We have an exciting year ahead, crammed full of hard work and fun! Forest Schools, Quidditch and studying Good Night Mr Tom are just some of the exciting things we have planned for Autumn term. An exciting Mission Impossible Easter story trip along with reading the fantastic Robinson Crusoe are in store for the Spring term, swiftly followed by the much anticipated Year 6 residential trip to Conwy in July. What a fantastic year!

Staff in Year 6

Miss Sinclair: [email protected]

Mr Walsh: [email protected]

Mrs Griffin [email protected]

Mrs Stewart

Miss Cropper

Mr Eccleston

Please do not hesitate to contact us and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

P.E Lessons

Year 6 currently has P.E. on a Wednesday and Friday. Your child should come into school in correct kit on those days. We also complete Golden Mile on a Tuesday afternoon, there is no need for your child to come into school in P.E. kit on that day. However, they may wish to bring trainers to change in to for running the track.


From September 2024, homework and Reading Records at Norwood has changed slightly. In year six, each week the children will be set online Maths homework on Eedi. This will be set on a Thursday and will be due in the following Thursday. Eedi needs to be completed at home but if your child needs to complete it in school there will be time in the mornings to do so. 
Similarly, we will no longer be using a Reading Record that must be handed in each week. Instead, children will be given time once a week in school to complete work in their Reading Journal. This could be a book review, a picture of a character or a prediction of what might happen next. Year 6 will complete this on a Friday each week. If your child would like to bring in the book they are reading at home to complete this, they are welcome to do so.
Any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Additional learning:

  • Spellings -  Children will be revising a spelling rule each week in class. If you would like to know what rule your child is working on, please send your class teacher a message on Class Dojo.
  • TTRS - whilst we do not set homework on Times Table RockStars, it is still a fantastic resource that your children have access to. The children should know their login but please ask if you need a reminder.
  • Oxford Reading Buddies - Your child has login details for the online reading platform in their homework folder. The class code is 22na2.

School Visits 

Historical actor 

Mission Impossible Easter visit to Church 

Southport Geography trip in June

Conwy - July 1st to 4th

Other opportunities

Year 6 children have the opportunity to apply to be a Reading Ambassador, a School Captain and a Structured Play Leader (where they will organise and deliver games to children in other year groups).

There will also be many opportunities to represent the school in various different sports, including football and netball teams (run throughout the year), athletics, basketball, cricket, rugby, table tennis and much more!

Files to Download

Our Values and EthosASPIRE, RESPECT and ENJOY

Contact us at Norwood Primary School

Head Teacher: Lee Dumbell
Norwood Crescent
Business Manager: Jo Todhunter
SEND Contact: Rachael Brookfield - SENDCo
SEND Email: [email protected]
Chair of Governors: Mrs Lesley Lee