Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of pupils whose parents currently claim Free School Meals and those families that have claimed in the last 6 years, service children or pupils who are subject to care arrangements. It is provided for pupils of all abilities and is designed to close the gaps between themselves and their peers. The Pupil Premium is given to us in April of every year.  

Main Barriers to Learning for our schools
We are aware that the barriers to learning may vary from child to child and from day to day.  However, these are the main barriers to learning that have been identified through conversations with parents, professional dialogues with social services, academic assessments by staff and assessments completed by outside agencies and are presented in no particular order:

  • Low levels of language and communication at entry point
  • Identified Special Educational Need or Disability
  • High levels of anxiety
  • Low mood
  • Low self-esteem
  • Lack of emotional stability
  • Persistent lateness or absenteeism
  • Some high attainers make less than expected progress across KS2
  • Some parents struggle to support with uniform, equipment, reading and homework

We aware that some children who receive pupil premium may face none of these barriers during their time with us.

Desired outcomes
The impact of our school’s work should be an improved level of attainment for disadvantaged pupils and gaps in attainment being closed.   However, we are also looking for improved attendance, family support and engagement, developing the skills of the staff and the children, extending opportunities for all children to take part in shared experiences, lowering levels of anxiety, increased self-awareness of emotions and the improved self-esteem of children.

Success criteria

  • Lesson observations and work scrutiny will indicate good progress, high expectations and an awareness of the learning needs of individual children
  • Teacher assessments will indicate the difference between disadvantaged pupils and other pupils will have diminished
  • Statutory assessments will indicate that the difference between disadvantaged pupils and other pupils will have diminished
  • More disadvantaged pupils will be accessing higher ability work and achieving greater depth
  • Pupil Progress Meetings will support the levels of attainment achieved within classes
  • Our own in-school pupil surveys will indicate that children feel happy, safe and well-supported
  • Parent feedback (through the Parent Survey at the end of the year and Parents’ Evenings) will indicate that parents feel happy with the school, they feel their children are safe and well-supported within school
  • Attendance and punctuality will have improved in key areas

At Norwood Primary we use the grant in a number of ways, whilst ensuring it is carefully targeted for those eligible children. The vast majority is spent on paying specialist teachers and TAs to support small groups and individuals – this is in addition to the support provided by TAs in class.

The DFE state that schools can choose how to spend the Pupil Premium money as they are best placed to identify what would be most beneficial and cost effective to meet the widely differing needs of all eligible pupils. For example spending a lump sum on high quality staff training or specialist advice is often more effective than purchasing a single resource or service for an individual pupil.

Whilst we are constantly improving the way we spend the grant we also listen to parents and carers views. If you would like more details of how we spend the Pupil Premium or to discuss any different support which you feel could benefit your child please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs Bennet.

Some of the ways we have been able to help families in the past include:

  • Agreed periods of payment for breakfast club or after school club; particularly when there is a time of difficulty at home e.g. parental illness.
  • Financial support towards the school’s residential holidays – such as Y4 Robinwood and Y6 Conwy.
  • Financial support towards extra–curricular activities held in school (football, judo etc.)
  • Financial support towards uniform or kit

A detailed strategy statement is available on this website or from the office if you would like more information regarding our use of the Pupil Premium.

My circumstances have changed. Is my child eligible for free school meals and the Pupil Premium?

Did you know you can claim free school meals for your child if your child is in full-time education, you are responsible for your child, and you get at least one of the following benefits:

  • Income support
  • Income based job seekers allowance
  • Income related employment and support allowance
  • Guaranteed pension credit
  • Child tax credit with an annual income each year of less than £16,190 (as assessed by tax credits)
  • Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Universal credit

If you receive child tax credit and working tax credit, your child will not qualify for free school meals.

IMPORTANT: Even if your child receives Universal Free School Meal (Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) it is still important to apply, because Norwood Primary School will receive additional Pupil Premium funding for every eligible pupil.

If you think you might be eligible for Free School Meals please enquire at the school office or click on the link below to download and complete the relevant form.  


Files to Download

Our Values and EthosASPIRE, RESPECT and ENJOY

Contact us at Norwood Primary School

Head Teacher: Lee Dumbell
Norwood Crescent
Business Manager: Jo Todhunter
SEND Contact: Rachael Brookfield - SENDCo
SEND Email: [email protected]
Chair of Governors: Mrs Lesley Lee