Dinner Menu

Norwood Primary School works very closely with our Catering team to improve food choices, menus to tempt young palates and food that is healthier both in content and preparation. As a team we aim to make school mealtimes an enjoyable part of the day.

All children eat their lunch in the hall with hot dinners and packed lunches eating together. 

The Menu

The menu has been put together by Sefton's Catering team meeting the Government's Nutritional regulations. We have taken children's favourite dishes and made them healthier by using fresh ingredients and making them to children's taste.

Did you know that your child can choose a sandwich or a jacket potato if they do not like the hot dinner option for that day?  We also have salads, yoghurts, biscuits, fruit, juice, milk and water available.

The Midday Supervisors and ensure the children all have their lunch in a calm, social atmosphere, promoting good table manners and social interaction.

The Midday Supervisors manage the playgrounds, which enable children to play with a range of equipment and also play on the MUGA and trim trail areas.


Free School Meals?
We strongly urge families who are in receipt of Income Support, Income based Job Seekers Allowance or Employment Support Allowance (Income Related) (ESA(IR)), support under part V1 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999, Guarantee Element of State Pension Credit or Child Tax Credits to apply for free meals even if your child does not want to have them immediately.  You may wish to have the option on a future date when the weather gets colder or even if we have a special menu day such as Chinese New Year for example.

To be eligible for free school meals the parents/guardians of any pupil must:

  1. live in the Sefton area;
    attend a state-maintained school or be receiving alternative education approved by the LEA; and

  2. the family receives one of the following benefits:

    • Income Support
    • Jobseeker's Allowance (Income-based)
    • Employment Support Allowance (Income Related) (ESA(IR))
    • Child Tax Credit Only and your annual taxable income is less than £16,190 (as stated on your Inland Revenue Award Notice)
    • Guarantee Element of State Pension Credit
    • Support under Part V1 of the Immigration & Asylum Act 1999
    • Working Tax Credit run-on - paid for 4 weeks after you stop for Working Tax Credit
    • Universal Credit - if you apply on or after 1 April 2018 your household income must be less than £7,400 a year (after tax and not including any benefits you get)

How do I apply for free school meals?
If you meet the above criteria and wish to apply for free school meals please contact the School Admissions and Pupil Support Section on 0151 934 3456 or click on the link below

How often do I have to apply?
You should apply when you first start to receive benefit. Your eligibility will be reviewed towards the end of the summer term and a renewal application form will be sent to you automatically.

When will the free school meals start?
All applications received during the Summer Holidays will start receiving a free school meal on the first day of term. An application which is received in the section once the Autumn Term has started, the free school meals will commence on the following Monday. Free school meals cannot be backdated. All applications are dealt with in date order and we will write to you as soon as your application has been processed informing you of your entitlement.

How will the school know my child does not have to pay for school meals?
The schools concerned will be notified directly by the LA that your child/children can have a school meal free of charge.

What if my circumstances change?
You should notify the School Admissions and Pupil Support Section direct of any changes:

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Our Values and EthosASPIRE, RESPECT and ENJOY

Contact us at Norwood Primary School

Head Teacher: Lee Dumbell
Norwood Crescent
Business Manager: Jo Todhunter
SEND Contact: Rachael Brookfield - SENDCo
SEND Email: [email protected]
Chair of Governors: Mrs Lesley Lee