Admissions Arrangements


If you would like a place for your child here at Norwood, this section contains some of the key information that you require. However parents need to contact the Local Authority to find out about the admission and appeal arrangements.

All admissions are dealt with by Sefton Admissions Department and they handle all enquiries about whether we have places available in specific year groups and also handle all applications.

You must make your application via the Admissions Section, Children's Services, Bootle Town Hall, Oriel Road, Bootle. L20 7AE or telephone 0151 934 3131/3290.

Applications for starting in Reception in September 2025.

The Head Teacher runs regular tours for prospective parents of children starting in Reception. These take place deliberately on different days and at different times of the day to try to suit everybody as well as ensuring there is the possibility of a much wider expereince of life at Norwood. These tours usually last an hour and aim to give prosepctive parents a deeper insight into the life and philosophy of the school as well as seeing the terrific relationships and atmosphere there is at Norwood.

Further information about upcoming tours can be gained by contacting the office on 01704 211960.

We have 90 places in Reception classes for September 2025. There are 3 classes with 30 children in each class. There is a teacher and a full-time teaching assistant in every Reception class as well as extra teaching assistants to support the Speech and Language of children and also to support children who need that a little extra support when they first start school.

Application for admissions must be completed online at or you can request a form from Sefton Admissions Department.  The application process will be explained in your letter from Sefton, which you should receive the September before your child is due to start school.

The closing date for applications is 16th January 2025.

The criteria Sefton use for admissions is:

  1. Looked After Children or Previously Looked After Children
  2. Siblings
  3. Children of staff members
  4. Distance from school

If you would like a place for your child and they are currently attending another school.

All admissions are dealt with by Sefton Admissions Department and they handle all enquiries about whether we have places available in specific year groups and also handle all applications.

You must make your application via the Admissions Section, Children's Services, Bootle Town Hall, Oriel Road, Bootle. L20 7AE or telephone 0151 934 3131/3290.

Arrangements for Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

In accordance with the SEND code of practice, it is anticipated that the majority of pupils with special educational needs will be able to have their needs met within their local mainstream school.

As a Sefton primary school we will meet our legal obligation to admit a pupil who has a Statement of Special Educational Needs (SEND) that names the school in his or her EHCP. You can get detailed information on Sefton's special educational services from the SEN and Inclusion Team at theTown Hall, Oriel Road, Bootle L20 7AE (Telephone 0151 934 3250 or 0151 934 3252)

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Our Values and EthosASPIRE, RESPECT and ENJOY

Contact us at Norwood Primary School

Head Teacher: Lee Dumbell
Norwood Crescent
Business Manager: Jo Todhunter
SEND Contact: Rachael Brookfield - SENDCo
SEND Email: [email protected]
Chair of Governors: Mrs Lesley Lee