Disability Access

Due to the fact that Norwood is built below the road level, there is a sloped entrance to the playground area and ramps and lifts which all have been installed in the recent years. We have two lifts which provide access to all areas of the school. We have disabled toilets in both buildings of the school and two designated parking spaces. If you require regular use of these spaces, please contact the office to issue you a school pass.

Information to parents can be accessed in a number of formats if required.

Our Values and EthosASPIRE, RESPECT and ENJOY

Contact us at Norwood Primary School

Head Teacher: Lee Dumbell
Norwood Crescent
Business Manager: Jo Todhunter
SEND Contact: Rachael Brookfield - SENDCo
SEND Email: [email protected]
Chair of Governors: Mrs Lesley Lee